Executive & Committees


Representation and duties

The CSHS advocates a pan-Canadian representation on its board of directors. Terms are for 2 years with the possibility of 2 consecutive terms at the same position. While we practice a progression within the board, our members are encouraged to submit their candidacy to any position available.


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CSHS - Executive Committee 2022 - 2023

bourlayeBourlaye Fofana, PE
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Bourlaye Fofana
Lord Abbey
Dalhousie University
Beatrice Amyotte
Agriculture and Agriffod Canada

Julie Lajeunesse, agr., M.Sc.

Biologiste en gestion des plantes fourragères et petits fruits (CRDQ-Normandin)

Direction générale des sciences et de la technologie

Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada /

Western Representative
Simone D. CastellarinSimone Castellarin, BC
University of British Columbia
Prairie Representative
JazeemJazeem Wahab, PhD
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Saskatoon Research & Development Centre
Saskatoon, S

Ontario Representative
Kate CongrevesMelanie Kalischuk, ON
University of Guelph
Quebec Representative
Shahrokh KhanizadehShahrokh Khanizadeh
ELM Consulting
Atlantic Representative
RupasingheVasantha Rupasinghe
Dalhousie University
Halifax, NS
Northern Representative

Student Representative
Sarah Drury
Communication Officer
Dr. Qinglu Ying
Plant Responses and the Environment Program
Vineland Research and Innovation Centre
4890 Victoria Avenue North
Vineland Station, ON L0R 2E0
Past President

Youbin Zheng, ON
University of Guelph
Student Committee chair
Sarah Drury
Website & Social Media Committee chair
Shahrokh KhanizadehShahrokh Khanizadeh
ELM Consulting
Promotion and Membership committee
Simone Castellarin,chair
Conference committee chair
Bourlaye Fofana
Student award committee chair
Vasantha Rupasinghe
Plant Canada Representatives
Lord Abbey
Valérie Gravel
American Society for Horticultural Science
International Society for Horticultural Science
Youbin Zheng
Karen Tanino
Bourlaye Fofana


Submit someone for a position on the board

Interested in contributing to the development of your society? Submit your name, the position you are interested in and a short bibliographic notice to the secretary. Elections are usually held during the annual meeting.



Canadian Science Publishing (CSP) provides with financial assistance of CJPS content development and conference activities, including sponsorships, exhibits, travel awards for students and keynote speakers to CSHS meetings, and(or) annual awards. (Student travel to society meetings and conferences sponsored in part by the Agricultural Institute of Canada) As per the Memorandum of Understanding (article 5) signed between your CSHS and AIC, there is to be recognition of AIC’s contribution on CSHS website.